The last weekend of June 2023 found it’s.BB highlighting the importance of cybersecurity in Berlin-Brandenburg and the companies making it happen at the festival. Together with the cybersecurity experts from our network partners, HK2 Comtection GmbH, neXenio GmbH, DAB Digitalagentur Berlin GmbH, ObjectSecurity OSA GmbH, and Piltz Legal (Piltz Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB), we represented the Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries at at the joint stand of Berlin Partner for Economic & Technology GmbH and Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB)
The two day long festival was filled with exciting discussions and presentations by some of the biggest names in the Berlin tech scene like Dr. Volker Wissing and Timotheus Höttges. This year the festival focused on the main theme of digital transformation and its importance in all aspects of modern life, such as sustainability, AI, digital sovereignty, and new work. In addition invited us and other participants to immerse ourselves in the world of technology and imagine what the future of tech could look like. The festival was composed of an exciting mix of global players, startups, institutional partners, academics, and political figures, which created a melting pot of ideas, networking opportunities and the chance to learn something new.
it’s.BB was thrilled to be able to take part in the festival, to learn about the exciting new ideas coming out of Berlin & Brandenburg firms, discover the potential for global cooperation and represent the topic of cybersecurity and our members. In this exciting new phase of technological development, and digital transformation it can be easy to forget how important cybersecurity is in all areas of digitalization, so we are happy to have seen so many new faces at our stand and to have been able to act as the representative for this essential topic.